Theatre Set & Costume Design
Theatre Set & Costume Design
Heart is a Wasteland
Brown Cabs/ Malthouse/ FCAC
Tales of the Underground
Creative Regions
The Road to Mecca
Queensland Theatre
Cooking with Elvis
Queensland Theatre
The Secret Death of Salvador Dali
La Boite/ Strut n Fret/ Griffin Theatre Co
James and Johnno
La Boite Theatre
The Real Inspector Hound/ Black Comedy
Queensland Theatre
Purple Dreams
Kooemba Jdarra
Bash/ Mad Hercules
Queensland Theatre
The Holden Plays:
My Love had a Black Speed Stripe
Kingswood Kids
La Boite Theatre
Road to the She-Devil's Salon
Queensland Theatre
Perfect Skin
La Boite Theatre
Heart is a Wasteland
Heart is a Wasteland
Heart is a Wasteland
Heart is a Wasteland
Heart is a Wasteland
Heart is a Wasteland
Heart is a Wasteland
Heart is a Wasteland
Tales of the Underground
Tales of the Underground
Tales of the Underground
Tales of the Underground
The Road to Mecca
The Road to Mecca
Cooking with Elvis
Cooking with Elvis
The Secret Death of Salvador Dali
The Secret Death of Salvador Dali
James and Johnno
The Real Inspector Hound
Purple Dreams
Mad Hercules/ Bash
Bash/ Mad Hercules
Holden Plays: My Love had a Black Speed Stripe
Holden Plays: Kingswood Kids
Road to the She-Devil's Salon
Road to the She-Devil's Salon
Perfect Skin